3 Partners In Shopping, Nana, Mommy & Sissy

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Friday, August 3, 2012


Tomorrow Mommy, Sissy, Bobo and with Mommy's sister www.dealsharingaunt.blogspot.com are going to a Duplo Lego Party at Aunt Vicky's friend's house! This is given by The House Party!!
Every few months they hold different parties and if you are picked you host it in your house.
Legos are great educational tools for kids of all ages. They start out big and get smaller as the child gets more dexterity. It is another way for kids to play with other kids without the constraints of school.  One of the fears that most parents have especially parents that homeschool is that they will not have enough socialization. I personally believe, however that everyday is a social event. Whether going shopping, going to bank or just taking a walk , these are all kinds of social interacting. Everyone cannot wait. Maybe we can talk Daddy into going with us.
He really wants to mow the lawn, not!

